Emergency Veterinary Service
Here are some emergency contact options:
You can reach us on Facebook ("TIERAERZTEKREISNOTDIENST-HS") with the following number:
This is the current emergency service phone number; anyone who dials this number will automatically be connected to the veterinary practice on duty. The emergency service is available on Fridays from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., and on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Outside of these times, the surrounding veterinary clinics are on duty.
The number is not a landline number but an internet telephony number, so anyone can flexibly switch it online.
Dierenkliniek Hoogveld Echt
Hoogveldsweg 34
6102 CB Echt
0031 475 48 51 51
Wochenend-Notdienst Kreis Heinsberg
Von Freitagabend 19.00 Uhr bis Montagmorgen 7.00 Uhr
Notdienst des Kreis Heinsberg: 02454/9365151
Tierklinik AniCura Bökelberg in Mönchengladbach
Tel. 02161 926020
Tierklinik AniCura in Aachen
Tel. 0241 928660
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